Member Wall Help member wall help page

The Member Wall is a social media platform for all the members of the IPC community. Members can do posts regarding different topics, interact with others members of the community. There are also other features such as Blogs, Polls, Circulars, Bible Quiz etc. All these functionalities are demonstrated below

How to join and get your member wall access?

Home News Feed Section

Your Profile Section


Home news feed section

  1. The members will be able to post news feeds with the following details and on posting can be viewed by other members
    1. Image/File/Video/Audio file.
    2. Description.  
  2. There is a reply option for each post where the members will be able to reply to a post.
  3. The members will also be able to report any post if they feel like it’s offensive to them in some ways. On clicking the report button, a pop up appears where the reason for reporting has to be mentioned.
  4. The admin will be able to review the reported posts and they have the option to delete it if the post is offensive.


  1. The members will be able to do the following actions in the blogs section.
    1. Add a new blog
    2. View all the blogs.
  2. To add a blog the following information is needed
    1. Title 
    2. Thumbnail image to show in feed
    3. Description(This is a text editor field where you can use the different options in the editor to style your blog content)
    4. On submitting the blogs the user will be able to see the blog status as pending.
    5. The admin has to view the blogs on their dashboard and need to approve it. Hence changing the status to publish and this blog can be viewed in the news feed section.
    6. On clicking my blogs button the members will be able to view/ delete any blogs which are pending





Bible Quiz





